Luke Bryan

Wild Weekend - Luke Bryan

Xin lỗi Quý khách! Bài hát bị hạ tạm thời. Mong Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau. Trân trọng cảm ơn!
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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

We've been gettin' beat up by this ol' life,
Seems all we got left is Friday and Saturday night
And sometimes Sunday if Monday is a holiday.
I got a bunch of buddies I ain't seen in a while,
I got some good-time fun and hot dog buns in a stock pile,
With some home brew, Malibu and Miller Lite.
Girl put on that short little party dress and make me a little bit jealous.
It's gonna be a wild weekend,
Been on the phone with all my friends.
There's a little spot in the river bend
Were the sun sits high.
Long as the keg don't float and the ice don't melt,
We'll loosen up a notch on the Bible belt.
Girl you can bet we'll fall in love again and again and again.
It's gonna be a wild, wild, wild weekend.
It's Friday afternoon and the countdowns on,
Cell phone's singin' that All My Rowdy Friends Are Comin' Over Tonight,
Bad to the bone rington,
Come on, come on, come on, baby let's get gone.
It's bumper to bumper in the outbound,
And we're already gettin' down.
It's gonna be a wild weekend,
Been on the phone with all my friends.
There's a little spot in the river bend
Were the sun sits high.
Long as the keg don't float and the ice don't melt,
We'll loosen up a notch on the Bible belt.
Girl you can bet we'll fall in love again and again and again.
It's gonna be a wild, wild, wild weekend.
Ill put on the short little party dress, make me a little bit jealous,
Get me thinkin' goodness.
It's gonna be a wild weekend, been on the phone with all my friends.
There's a little spot in the river bend
Were the sun sits high.
Long as the keg don't float and the ice don't melt
We'll loosen up a notch on the Bible belt
Girl you can bet we'll fall in love again and again and again
It's gonna be a wild, wild, wild weekend
It's gonna be a wild, wild, wild weekend, yeah
We been needing this for a long, long time.
Oh my baby sure is lookin' fine
What's up man? How ya'll been?
Throw me a ski rope

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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