Lana Del Rey

TV In Black & White - Lana Del Rey

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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

If you get lonely, think of me only
Prison isn’t going to keep me from you
Remember Coney Island and how we
Get into the water, ’till the waves turned blue

Nobody does have to know,
That our love’s alive,
Keep it under low, if you want to hide
Got that same address, if you want to ride
On Greenwich Avenue, wishing and thinkin’ of you

Living without you is like TV in black and white
You turned me on and brought color into my life
When I’m around you suddenly I realize
That I was blind before I saw the world with your eyes

If you get lonely, think of this only
Heaven hasn’t forgotten about you
Though you can’t hold me, pick up and phone me
Use your one phone call on your ex-girl, boo

I won’t tell a single soul, how you spend your nights
In that single cell, holding your pillow tight
If you really are afraid, then you ought to know
That you’re the one I want,
The one I want, forevermore

Living without you is like TV in black and white
You turned me on and brought color into my life
When I’m around you suddenly I realize
That I was blind before I saw the world with your eyes

I know you get scared sometimes, boy
Nothing to be feared when you’re in my heart
Troubles come in threes, but in your case,
They came in millions, and trillions, but that’s alright

Living without you is like TV in black and white
You turned me on and brought color into my life
When I’m around you suddenly I realize
That I was blind before I saw the world with your eyes

Like TV in black and white (x4)

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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