
Snowflake - Sia

  • Nhạc sĩ: Sia

  • Thể loại: Pop

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[Verse 1]
Snowflake I catch you tonight
Catch you and keep you on ice, my love
Snowflake you know you're the only one
There's no one like you, so I'm gonna hide you
My sweet
Keep you till Winter when you won't be needing me

[Verse 2]
Snowflake I'm trying to keep you safe
You gave me your trust and I want you safe
Snowflake you know I've got your back
There's no one like you, so I'm gonna hide you
My sweet
Keep you to winter when you won't be needing me

Christmas day your freedom comes
Unprotected from the sun
By then you'll be cold enough
For me to send you off with love
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
If I were a betting man, I'd bet a million on you
There's no way around this, the only way now is through

[Verse 3]
Snowflake now you're on your own
I love you, I know you're just here alone
You blessed us and soon you'll be on your way
There's no one like you, so I’ll cry myself here to sleep
I kept you till winter now you won't be needing me

Christmas day your freedom comes
Unprotected from the sun
By then you'll be cold enough
For me to send you off with love
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
If I were a betting man, I'd bet a million on you
There's no way around this, the only way now is through

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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