Vicky Nhung

Nobody - Vicky Nhung

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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

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When I'm nervous I have this thing yeah I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to fuck up, yeah
I forget about the consequences, for a minute there I lose my senses
And in the heat of the moment my mouth's starts going the words start flowing
But I never meant to hurt you, I know it's time that I learnt to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learnt , I hate that I let you down and I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around cause now I'm the one that's hurting yeah
And I hate that I made you think that the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
Cause nobody's perfect, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobodys perfect

Im Not a saint no not at all, but what I did it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you
I'm not a saint, no not at all, but what I did it wasn't cool
But I swear that ill never do that again to you.
I hate that I let you down, and I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around cause now I'm the one that's hurting yeah
And I hate that I made you think that that the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
Cause nobody's perfect, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobodys perfect

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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