Terri Clark

A Little Gasoline - Terri Clark

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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

Throwing pictures out the window
Scattered by the way the wind blows
Bye bye baby, that's the last I'll see of you
Shoebox full of old love letters
I'll tear each one till I feel better
And I won't look back, 'cause I don't like the view
What my heart needs now is rest
So I'm packing up and I'm headed west
My mind's made up, I'll put it to the test
Pushing myself and this old machine
Burning fumes and what's left of my dreams
Let 'em go 'cause I don't need no strings
Just give me a road and a little gasoline
We talked in circles till the words ran out
And it all came down to an angry shout
Before I knew it, I was in third gear and gone
Well this had been coming for a long, long time
If I said I'm sorry, well I'd be lying
If you think I'll never make it, well you'd be wrong
What my heart needs now is rest
So I'm packing up and I'm headed west
My mind's made up, I'll put it to the test
Pushing myself and this old machine
Burning fumes and what's left of my dreams
Let 'em go 'cause I don't need no strings
Just give me a road and a little gasoline
What my heart needs now is rest
So I'm packing up and I'm headed west
My mind's made up, I'll put it to the test
Pushing myself and this old machine
Burning fumes and what's left of my dreams
Let 'em go 'cause I don't need no strings
Just give me a road and a little gasoline
Just give me a road and a little gasoline.

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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