Ronnie Milsap

A Day In The Life Of America - Ronnie Milsap

Xin lỗi Quý khách! Bài hát bị hạ tạm thời. Mong Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau. Trân trọng cảm ơn!
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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

We wake up each morning and start every day
With coffee, espresso and grande lattes
Race into traffic and bitch while we wait
Mad at the world for making us late
We punch in, then lunch in, then punch out again
Rush home to clean up the messes we've left
Microwave dinner, then put it to bed
Tomorrow we'll do it all over again
That's just a day, a day in the life of America
Yeah, that's just the way we live our lives in America
Each night is the same as the evening before
Check all your e-mails and lock all your doors
Half-hour break on a workout machine
While surfing a 200 channel TV
Then comes the weekend, the time we like best
One day for catch up, the other for rest
But how can we rest when we're so far behind
An hour for God is all we can find
That's just a day, a day in the life of America
Yeah, that's just the way we live our lives in America
Some people praise it and some people hate it
This beautiful chaos we made
But that's just a day, a day in the life of America
Yeah, that's just the way we live our lives in America
That's just a day, a day in the life of America
Yeah, that's just the way we live our lives in America
Oh, that's just a day, a day in the life of America
Oh, that's just the way we live our lives in America
That's just a day, a day in the life of America
Oh, that's just the way we live our lives in America.

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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